The Dalles Dam Memos of Coordination (MOC) and Memos For the Record (MFR)

2024 MOCs and MFRs

24TDA07 MFR Fish Unit 1 Temporarily Out of Service
24TDA06 MFR Sewage spill in East Fishway South collection channel
24TDA05 MFR Fish unit 1 Temporarily Out of Service
24TDA04 MFR TDA-gatewell mort
24TDA03 MOC TDA MU22 priority
24TDA02 MFR North Fishladder Rockfall
24TDA01 MOC TDA spill gate movements-Withdrawn.

2023 MOCs and MFRs

23NWP01 MFR tempertaure reporting
23NWP01 attachment 1 FPC temp memo 32-23

23TDA14 MFR TDA-E dewater lamprey morts
23TDA13 MFR Gatewell 18-1STHD morts
23TDA12 MFR unit priority restriction
23TDA11 MOC TDA-E grating repair
23TDA10 MFR CRITFC tube trap lamprey mort
23TDA09 MFR CRITFC tube trap lamprey mort
23TDA08 MFR CRITFC tube trap lamprey mort
23TDA07 MFR TDA-E lamprey tube morts
23TDA06 MFR TDA-E lamprey tube mort
23TDA05 MFR TDA-E lamprey tube mort
23TDA04 MFR gatewell morts
23TDA03 MFR gatewell morts
23TDA02 MFR TDA-N coho morts
23TDA01 MFR NFL mystery mort

2022 MOCs and MFRs

22TDA17 MFR Wasco PUD forced shut down
22TDA16 MFR EFL dewater morts
22TDA15 MFR The Dalles main unit 20 sturgeon morts
22TDA14 MOC The Dalles Hydro-Survey
22TDA13 MFR Spearfish Salmonid Morts
22TDA12 MOC Fish unit intake ROV
22TDA11 MFR Spillbay 14 OOS
22TDA10 MFR Fish unit shutdown
22TDA09 MFR Gatewell 9-1 mort
22TDA08 MOC East Ladder Weir 155 Rehab
22TDA07 MOC Shed Placement at Westrick Park
22TDA06 MFR East ladder 155 weir
22TDA05 MOC Exit boom install
22TDA04 MFR Wasco PUD test results
22TDA03 MOC Wasco PUD OOS for testing
22TDA03 attachment 1 TDA Wasco PUD DRAFT - PUD Biological Testing Outline
22TDA03 attachment 2 TDA Wasco PUD Biological testing schedule
22TDA02 MFR Wasco PUD mortality
22TDA01 MFR Wasco PUD dewatering

2021 MOCs and MFRs
21TDA11 MFR East FL lamprey morts
21TDA10 MOC Unit 8 outage
21TDA09 MOC Fish Unit Brush Repair
21TDA08 MOC Spillgate Inspection
21TDA07 MFR Steelhead juv deck mort
21TDA06 MFR E Count station picket juvenile steelhead mort
21TDA05 MFR East ladder fish unit outage
21TDA04 MFR Steelhead adult morts in navlock dewatering
21TDA03 TDA south entrance sinkhole repair
21TDA02 MOC ITS winter ops
21TDA01 MFR Fish Unit F2 return to service oil sheen
21TDA01 MFR appendix 1 Notification checklist and early description

2020 MOCs and MFRs
20TDA14 MRF F2 oil spill and response
20TDA13 MFR EFL lamprey morts
20TDA12 MOC F2 Outage Brush Repair
20TDA11 MOC MU6 Operation Outside the 1%
20TDA10 MOC PUD Juvenile Bypass Extended Outage
20TDA09 MFR PL mort MU22
20TDA08 MFR juvenile mort gatewell 15-3
20TDA07 MFR gatewell 1-3 juvenile mort
20TDA06 MFR AWS operation to float debris
20TDA05 MFR fish unit F1 outage
20TDA04 MFR gatewell 12-1 juvenile mort
20TDA03 MOC gatewell 18.1
20TDA02 MOC FUB ground troubleshoot
20TDA01 MFR fish unit trashrack gap

2019 MOCs and MFRs
19TDA22 MFR CH mort EFL
19TDA21 MFR EFL dewatering pump status
19TDA20 MFR EFL dewatering Sturgeon mortalities
19TDA19 MOC East North fish ladder dewater overlap
19TDA18 MOC Fish unit exciter work FUB
19TDA17 MOC Fish unit outage for FUB Contract
19TDA16 MFR CRITFC Pot trap PL morts
19TDA15 MFR PL Mort EFL Picket leads
19TDA14 MOC Extended Fish Unit outage
19TDA13 MFR Smolt Gatewell Mort
19TDA12 MFR PL Mort CRITFC trap
19TDA11 MFR Smolt Gatewell Morts
19TDA10 MFR SS turbine sturgeon morts
19TDA09 MFR PUD turbine outage
19TDA08 MOC Lamprey Reduced Nighttime Flows
19TDA07 MOC lamprey hoist east fish ladder
19TDA06 MOC GOV SCC fish unit commission
19TDA05 MOC fish unit commission - WITHDRAWN
19TDA04 MOC Crane Rail Replacement Tailrace Deck
19TDA03 MFR AWS shutdown due to 7' valve room flooding
19TDA02 MFR AWS closure due to 10' valve concerns
19TDA01 MFR AWS shutdown

2018 MOCs and MFRs
18TDA16 MOC Crane Rail Replacement Intake Deck
18TDA16 attachment 1 - outage schedule
18TDA15 MOC EFL Conduit Installation
18TDA14 MOC FU Breaker Rehab AWS Contingency
18TDA13 MFR EFL Dewater CH and PL morts
18TDA12 MFR gatewell sturgeon mort
18TDA11 MOC Sluiceway Cover Replacement
18TDA10 MOC AWS with single Fish Unit Op
18TDA09 MOC diffuser plan
18TDA09 additional diffuser picture
18TDA08 MFR East weir lamprey morts
18TDA07 MOC TDA AWS Commissioning flow test
18TDA06 MOC Oil boom installation at EFL
18TDA05 MFR Spillway emergency closure
18TDA04 MOC Lamprey Reduced Nighttime Flows
18TDA03 MOC Transportation Channel Partial Grating Coverage
18TDA02 MOC PUD May Outage
18TDA01 MOC AWS IWWP extension

2017 MOCs and MFRs
17TDA28 MFR east fishway lamprey mortality
17TDA27 MOC TDA AWS Commissioning 031518
17TDA26 MFR East weir lamprey morts
17TDA25 MOC Dual Fish Ladder Outage
17TDA24 MOC Fish unit breaker outage
17TDA23 MOC Dredging Nav Lock
17TDA22 MFR PL morts CRITFC traps and holding tanks
17TDA21 MOC Spillway Hydrosurvey
17TDA20 MOC AWS Revised 08NOV2017
17TDA19 MOC AWS concrete dive
17TDA18 MOC Rail tailrace Nov nights
17TDA17 MOC Rail removal west PH
17TDA16 MFR F2 forced out of service
17TDA15 MOC AWS Concrete Demo
17TDA14 MFR Modification of the Spill Table
17TDA14 FPP17 TDA spill high Q table
17TDA13 MFR Avian Line Install postponed
17TDA12 MOC Fish Unit Breaker Outage Update
17TDA11 MFR AWS Parking Lot Backfill
17TDA10 MOC AWS Valve Room Demo
17TDA09 MOC AWS Steel Frame
17TDA08 MFR CS Lamprey Mort
17TDA07 MFR Rail Removal Sawcut Plan
17TDA06 MOC AWS Extension
17TDA05 MFR Sewage Spill
17TDA04 MOC East Ladder Crowder Lamprey Mod
17TDA03 MOC TDA-N Winter Outage Extension
17TDA02 MOC AWS March Day Work
17TDA01 MOC Railroad Rail Removal

2016 MOCs and MFRs
16TDA10 MOC back up AWS
16TDA09 MOC powerhouse outage
16TDA08 MOC EAL testing at TDA v2
16TDA07 MFR TDA east CS lamprey mort
16TDA06 MFR East weir lamprey morts
16TDA05 MFR TDA-N winter outage updated
16TDA04 MFR fish unit 2 forced outage
16TDA03 MOC EAL testing in Unit 1 updated
16TDA02 MFR TDA-N sturgeon mort
16TDA01 MFR TDA-E dewatering morts

2015 MOCs and MFRs
15TDA15 MFR TDA-N dewater mort
15TDA14 F1 outage
15TDA13 MFR fishlock stranding
15TDA12 ITS closure
15TDA11 MFR U19 steelhead morts
15TDA10 MFR TDA-E lamprey mort
15TDA09 CO2 rehab
15TDA08 transformer installation REV SCH 11_06_17
15TDA07 35 ton gantry crane rehab_update
15TDA07 35 ton gantry crane rehab
15TDA06 MFR fish unit forced outage 2
15TDA05 railroad rail removal - denied
15TDA05 attachment 1 drawing
15TDA04 back up AWS
15TDA04 back up AWS attachment 1 Bull Trout
15TDA03 MFR fish unit forced outage
15TDA03 fish unit outage comments
15TDA02 BPA outages
14TDA13 back up AWS survey Updated
15TDA01 TDA-E 1400cfs test
15TDA01 attachment 1 trip report

2014 MOCs and MFRs
14TDA13 attachment 2 transects
14TDA13 attachment 1 velocity
14TDA13 back up AWS survey
14TDA12 TDA-E dewatering morts
14TDA11 Fish unit tail logs
14TDA10 MFR fish unit forced outage updated
14TDA09 adult attraction spill test updated
14TDA08 MFR TDA-E lamprey trap morts
14TDA07 additional flow survey work
14TDA06 MFR lamprey mort
14TDA05 EFL AWS BRZ flows
14TDA05 EFL AWS BRZ flows attachement 1 TDA BRZ map
14TDA04 EFL AWS excavation
14TDA03 east deck work
14TDA02 MFR TDA-N lamprey and steelhead morts
14TDA01 navlock shoal removal

2013 MOCs and MFRs
13TDA09 MFR lamprey morts
13TDA08 Fish Unit and PUD outage
13TDA07 M5 VBS removal
13TDA06 T8 startup
13TDA05 MFR Tailrace Sturgeon Mort
13TDA04 BPA RAS Testing
13TDA03 TDA-E entrance closure for U21 tail logs
13TDA02 north outage extension
13TDA01 TDA-E and TDA-N concurrent outage and FU testing

2012 MOCs and MFRs
12TDA10 ROV sill inspection part 2
12TDA09 ROV sill inspection
12TDA08 MFR MU1 and MU2 forced OOS
12TDA07 Unit 9 dewatering morts
12TDA06 F1 forced OOS
12TDA05 120418 TDA T2 outage
12TDA04 120403 TDA T1 outage
12TDA03 TDA lamprey video mounts in fishways
12TDA02 120130 TDA East power outage
12TDA01a 120104 TDA U8 digital gov upgrade

2011 MOCs and MFRs
111215 TDA East Ladder lamprey orifice ramps
111214 TDA East ladder lamprey morts
110921 UPDATED 110831 TDA spillway tailrace survey
110831 TDA spillway tailrace survey
110831 TDA spillway tailrace survey appendix 1
110829 TDA line 6 outage results
110822 TDA gatewell 17B dewater
110818 TDA Unit 17 scroll case steelhead mortality
110803 TDA U21 scroll case morts
110706 TDA Unit 17 scroll case morts
110701 UPDATED 110628 TDA trashrack raking
110628 TDA trashrack raking
110622_TDA_Spillbay_12 outage
110503 TDA north exit chinook mort
110411 TDA Memorandum juv lamprey morts MU10
110404 TDA Juvenile lamprey incident_TDA_MU12 cooling water strainer
110223 TDA Justification for ITS operation FINAL
110221 TDA Juvenile lamprey MU9 cooling water strainer

2010 MOCs and MFRs
101227 TDA roof replacement
101227 TDA Roof Installation_CH0-Impact provided 110421
101206 TDA chinook mort
101112 TDA Fishlock flush
101026 TDA truck removal
100830 TDA East fishway no orifice flow prior to dewatering
100811 TDA ITS outage
100727 TDA East fishway early outage
100722 TDA Fishlock flush
100520 TDA avian hazing increase
100512 TDA hazing response letter
100510 TDA Batelle install
100415 TDA Batelle install 8 9
100406 TDA units 3 and 4
100331 TDA FU outage
100331 TDA Batelle install
100318 TDA sluice gate operation
100310 TDA N1 entrance weir
100210 The Dalles PH Trolley Pipe dive Schwartz
100209 TDA-N stld mort
100209 TDA Westrick oil spill clean-up
100114 TDA south entrance morts
100106 TDA Unit14Oil

2009 MOCs and MFRs
091130 TDA fish unit outage
091125 TDA 230kv line outage on 25 Nov
091102 TDA fish unit load reduction
090923 TDA T3 (unit 5 and 6) outage
090821 TDA PUD outage
090821 TDA PUD outage DielSteelhead
090821 TDA PUD outage Diel
090528 TDA T2 outage
090430 TDA fish unit outage
090415 TDA spillwall early start
090126 TDA IWW Extension Coordiation Form

2008 MOCs and MFRs
081022 TDA unit priority change
081001 TDA fish unit outage request